Nicaragua Follow-up Project March 1 - 16, 2008
2007 Projects
Macedonia Mammography Project, September 23 - October 6,
Serbia Mammography Project
May 26 - June 9, 2007
Follow Up Mission, February 24 - March 4, 2007
2006 Projects
China Breast Cancer Conference, Oct. 14 - Oct. 15, 2006
2005 Projects
Nicaragua Mammography Project, October 23 - November 5, 2005
Nepal Teaching Mission,
April 3 – 16 , 2005
2004 Projects Nicaragua Breast Cancer Conference,
March 2004
Bulgaria Mammography Mission, May 2004
Beijing China Follow-up Mammography Mission, August
23-September 3, 2004
Rosebud Indian Health Service Hospital, Rosebud,
South Dakota, Nov.1–Nov.3, 2004
Our Mission
Radiology Mammography International (RMI) is a non-profit organization dedicated to supporting the mammography and breast cancer education needs of developing and underserved regions all around the
world: providing technical assistance, equipment donations, hands on training, and community outreach.
Donation Information (Pdf)
NEPAL 1994 Off Loading the First Modern
Dedicated Mammography Unit
in the Country
"Breast Cancer is apolitical and
nonpartisan. It knows no cultural, ethnic or religious
boundaries. It respects nothing and nobody. It's an equal
opportunity disease."
–Dr. Richard Hirsh
Radiology Mammography International Video
Radiology Mammography International
“Breast cancer is
one of the greatest causes of cancer death among women in many
developing countries,” says Dr. Richard Hirsh. “As these
countries progress toward their goals of improved living and
economic conditions, women’s health issues will gradually
assume increasing priority. In anticipation of this, we
recognize the tremendous need of education about breast cancer
awareness, as well as technical assistance in the form of
donated mammography equipment and training.”
Dr. Richard Hirsh, M.D. F.A.C.R., is a man
with a mission, actually a man with fifteen missions, so far.
Dr. Hirsh is a diagnostic radiologist at Summa Health System
in Akron, Ohio, as well as assistant professor of radiology at
Northeastern Ohio Universities College of Medicine (NEOUCOM).
He has a special interest in mammography. He knows that
mammograms save lives by detecting breast cancer early enough
to treat it.
In 1989 Dr. Hirsh participated as a volunteer
on a mammography teaching mission to India. He was one of 25
radiology specialists working in nine different cities.
Radiologists and technologists taught the importance of early
detection of breast cancer, mammographic technique and
In 1994, inspired by his previous experience, Dr. Hirsh
organized and led a mammography mission to Nepal.
He obtained
donated mammographic equipment and assembled a team of experts
to teach mammographic technique and interpretation to
technologists and radiologists and to create public awareness
of the importance of early detection of breast cancer through
the mass media.
Dr. Hirsh succeeded in
reaching his goals with this first mission and continues to
exceed them each year with subsequent missions to various
developing countries, fifteen missions to date.
In 1996 Dr. Hirsh founded Radiology
Mammography International (RMI), a non-profit organization
with the mission of helping developing regions improve
mammography education and obtaining needed equipment to
achieve their goals.
Hirsh takes an eight – to twelve-person team
on the missions; X-Ray technologists, engineers, radiologists
and women’s health educators, as well as spouses of members of
the U.S. Congress, who serve as community outreach
spokes-persons. The team members come from all over the United
States and other countries.
They are volunteers who give up their
vacations and leave their families to help underprivileged
people in far-off lands. Missions last two to three weeks.
As the machines are installed and the radiology personnel are
trained, Dr. Hirsh lectures to general medical
and surgical staff about mammography and breast cancer.
Spokespersons perform community outreach on the lifesaving
importance of early detection.
Hirsh explains the purpose of RMI with a modified biblical
axiom: “Give a man a fish and he eats for a day. Teach a man
to fish and he eats for a lifetime.” He adds, “We teach them
to fish and leave the pole.”
That pole is expensive. Travel costs, lodging, and food for the
team can total $3000.00 per person. The need for equipment and
supplies is ongoing. Dr. Hirsh solicits the donation of
mammography machines and mammographic film, and routinely
seeks grants and private donations for his work.
Lorad in Danbury, Connecticut and Tom
Johnson of Professional Consulting & Imaging Services of
Wadsworth, Ohio have been extremely generous in donating
equipment for the missions. Kodak, All Pro, X-Rite
Corporation, Nuclear Associates, Maxant (X-Ray view boxes) and Cook have also been major
sponsors, donating test equipment, film, and other supplies.
“These donations are the quality assurance
keys to the success of our mission,” said Dr. Hirsh.
Television News
Correspondent Sam Donaldson and Dr. Richard Hirsh at the 10th
Annual Congressional Families Action for Cancer Awareness
Awards, 2002 in Washington D.C.
Akron Radiologist Richard
Hirsh Honored for Humanitarian Missions to Fight Breast
In 1999 Dr. Richard Hirsh, M.D. F.A.C.R was honored by the
Congressional Families Action for Cancer Awareness Program for
his international humanitarian work and founding of Radiology
Mammography International.
Congressional Families Action for Cancer
Awareness, a program of the Cancer Research Foundation of
America, is a bipartisan outreach effort by family members of
the Senate, House, Cabinet and Supreme Court to reduce cancer
Dr. Hirsh joins very distinguished company.
Past honorees include Sen. Bob Dole, Supreme court Justice
Sandra Day O’Connor, General Norman Schwarzkopf, Jane Seymour,
Katie Couric, Jill Biden, Sen. Connie and Priscilla Mack, Sam
Donaldson, Barbara Bush, Ann Curry, Susan Love, MD and other
outstanding individuals in media, medicine, government,
education, and human services.
July 13, 2007, Mayor Don Plusquelic awards
Dr. Richard Hirsh a plaque for Akron Peace Council Honors.
The plaque states "Dr. Richard Hirsh Day" for the City of
Akron, Ohio.